For the past six months, I have been on Twitter. During that time, I’ve become friends with 10-15 Christians from around the country. Many are writers, poets, and artists. Recently, I sent a tweet to twelve of these friends and gave them a link to “I Stand Before Almighty God Alone.” a song from our latest CD, An Awesome Love.
I was not sure what responses I might expect. Several folks responded with encouraging messages that said that they enjoyed the song, appreciated the group, etc. Not everyone responded, but most did. Here is a response from Tony, a guy from Texas. Several weeks ago he indicated that he and his wife will be in Phoenix and are planning to attend one of our concerts.
Here’s a reply from another friend, Enola, from Florida, that caught me off guard a bit by her enthusiastic feedback:
And another from a writer/blogger from Pennsylvania :
This from Catherine in Tuscon (‘orchestra’ = Choir + orchestra):
About seven hours after I sent the first message, I got the following reply from Pansylee, an artist/poet/writer, etc from West Virginia (it happens that she lives about 40 miles from where I grew up in Virginia). Her response was pretty amazing, moving, and extremely encouraging. The song impacted her so much that she was inspired to create a painting that she called, “I Surrender All.” She sent several replies, the first of which, given below was directed to the Lord.
A little later, she sent the following:
Enola (who is a friend of Pansylee) sent a message about the painting, and Pansylee responded
Pansylee subsequently sent the following message and indicated that she created a tab on her website with the picture.
This is her page. You can visit the page, and her gallery at:
I asked Pansylee if it’s ok to share this link with others, and here was her reply:
(By the way, I’m sending her some of our CDs as a small thank-you for her painting and general encouragement.)
Finally, here’s a reply from Becky from Houston:
Becky also prays for the Chorale on a regular basis.
A couple of other friends responded, but I was not able to ‘capture’ their tweets and now I cannot go back in time and find them. John is a pastor from the northwest and he commented on the mission and importance of the chorale, and KATY, a friend from Michigan was complimentary. She frequently prays for the chorale, our concerts, etc.
I just wanted to once again remind you of the impact of the songs. Recently, two different people from other countries have indicated that music is a vehicle to reach the young people in their countries. Please continue to pray that songs get to the people that need to hear them. Thank you for your support of the chorale. Each one of you is important and we are all being used together.
Bruce Cochran – Conductor & Founder
Follow the East Valley Chorale on Twitter – @EstVallChorale